Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tempting from the Gardenimport catalogue:

* Bush clover (Lespedeza) Gibralter.

This caught my eye in the show gardens at Artistic Landscape Design in the fall, but at 5'-6' tall and wide, I figured I didn't have room for it. What I DIDN'T know was that, like Buddlejas, these die back to the ground every winter and grow back to their shrubby proportions over the season; so if you place them right, the smaller stuff they engulf is getting ratty-looking anyway. And it "prefers a poor, well-drained soil in full sun," which I think I can provide!

I'm not generally a fan of heucheras, but these really caught my eye as possible splashes of colour for the east bed:

* Autumn Leaves

* Pear Crisp

I was looking at Persicaria, too, but it needs consistently moist soil. Bah.

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